Kaberamaido District Local Government
Kaberamaido District Local Government
Location : Email : kaberamaidodlg@gmail.com

Kaberamaido District was curved out of Soroti District in 2001 and has been so until July 2019 when one of its counties, Kalaki was elevated into a district. Kaberamaido boosts in its agrcultural sector which has been a pivot in food production for largely Teso region and it's cattle production though greatly affected by the then Karimojong Rastlers is still a strong boost to its economy.

Vision & Mission

District Vision
A Healthy, Educated, Modern and Prosperous District population by the year 2040

District Mission

To serve the community of Kaberamaido District through cordinated delivery of sustainable social-economic services focued on National and local priorities

The Policy Making Organ
Kaberamaido District Council the supreme organ, headed by the LCV Chairman, is supported by an Executive committee of 3 members and 5 policy/sectoral Committees. They deliberate policy matters and make recommendations to the full Council of 18 Councilors (7 female and 11 male).

The Sectoral Committees include:

  • Finance, Administration, Investment, Information and General Purpose
  • Community Development (Gender, Labour, Youth, Children, Elderly and Disabled)
  • Education, Sports, Health, Sanitation and Security.
  • Production (Agriculture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Forestry, Environment, Marketing and Industry
  • Works, Water, Land, Urban and Regional Planning.

Statutory Bodies There are also statutory bodies, which are mandated by law to carry out specific roles and responsibilities to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. These include:

  • District Contracts Committee
  • District Public Accounts Committee
  • District Service Commission
  • District Land Board

A Contracts Committee comprising of appointed Technical Officers replaced the District Tender Board according to the Local Governments Amendment Act 2006.

Office of the Resident District Commissioner
It represents the President in the District and ensures that both national and local priorities are given due consideration and are implemented in an accountable manner.

Lower Local Governments
The Town Council, Sub counties, Parishes/Wards and villages/Cells have councils and executive committees, which coordinate the various functions.

Company Information
Contact Name: Kaberamaido District Local Government
Contact Email: kaberamaidodlg@gmail.com
Contact Phone: +256-772-157752
Contact Fax:
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