Call for consultancy - Assessment on the impact of Aid on transforming energy efficiency market in Uganda to enabling Trade among Sweden and Uganda job at SNV
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Company Description

SNV is a mission-driven global development partner, rooted in the contexts and societies where we work. Inspired by the transformational principles and objectives set out by the SDGs, we are committed to building resilient agri-food systems that deliver food security and adequate nutrition; to increasing the reliability and availability of water and sanitation at an acceptable quantity and quality; and to improving access to affordable and sustainable energy for all. In doing so, we aim to strengthen institutions, markets and effective governance within and across the agri-food, energy, and water sectors, reducing gender inequalities and barriers to social inclusion, and enabling adaptation and mitigation to the climate and biodiversity crises.

We are one team of over 1,600 people, the vast majority of whom come from the contexts where we work, in more than 20 countries in Africa and Asia. In Uganda SNV operates through a decentralised approach with a country office in Kampala and regional offices in Fort Portal, Lira, Jinja and Mbarara. SNV implements donor-funded activities across more than 100 districts in Uganda, ensuring broad and diverse impact.

Our core values of people-centeredness and respect, equity and equality, and diversity and inclusion, are fundamental to who we are, and what we do. This is reflected in our vision and mission, and strategy, which sets out our aspirations and commitments as our compass towards 2030. For more information on our operations in Uganda and SNV visit our website:

Background and objectives of assignment

The Inclusive Markets for Energy Efficiency in Uganda (IMEU) is a four-year project funded by the Embassy of Sweden (EoS) in Kampala, Uganda. IMEU is implemented by a consortium of 3 partners: SNV Netherlands Development Organization (lead), College of engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT), and Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU). The project aims at contributing to the development of sustainable and inclusive markets for appropriate energy efficiency (EE) products and services for households, businesses, and institutions in Uganda.

The project deploys an EE market development approach intervening at demand, supply and enabling environment for EE market as follows:

(1) Stimulating uptake of EE products and services by increasing awareness among energy users (demand side)

(2) Targeted and contextualized derisking support to small medium enterprises (SMEs) and energy service companies (ESCOs) and Energy Service Provider Companies (ESPC) (supply side).

(3) Strengthening institutional coordination, research and enabling environment for energy efficiency (enabling environment).

The Project implemented a Market Development Fund that was aimed at derisking investments by private sector on energy efficient solutions in Uganda. This was successfully delivered with 10 energy service provider companies and 12 businesses benefitting from results based financing and catalytic grants respectively as well as technical assistance in supporting their organizational capacity and investment readiness. Based on the above support IMEU is therefore launching a study to assess how the grant support has enabled trade between Uganda and Sweden in renewable energy and energy efficient technologies in Sweden.

Job Description

Assignment overview and scope of work / deliverables

The Consultant shall…

  • Identify and profile the Swedish and EU Companies as well as those companies selling renewable energy and energy efficient products in Uganda as well as those exporting goods from Uganda.
  • Map the value of trade in terms of energy efficient and renewable products and services from Sweden to Uganda. These energy efficient and renewable energy product and services are used in households, agro-processing, manufacturing, transport and building construction.
  • Undertake an assessment of the impact of IMEU grants and technical assistance support on facilitating trade between Uganda and other countries.
  • Develop recommendations for facilitating trade in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and services between Sweden and Uganda.
  • Write up a final report of not more than 30 pages as well as an abridged version of the findings and recommendations in not more than 5 pages.

List of deliverables, outputs, and quality expectations


1. Inception report

List of outputs per deliverable

  • Approved inception report

Quality expectations

  • 10 pages maximum with clear approach

2. Draft report with recommendations

List of outputs per deliverable

  • Approved draft report

Quality expectations

  • 20 pages maximum clearly articulating the findings and the recommendations

3. Final report and abridge version of report

List of outputs per deliverable.

  • Approved final comprehensive report
  • Approved abridge version

Quality expectations

  • 20 pages for final report max.
  • 5 pages for a bridge version max


Due diligence instructions

  • A post-graduate degree in Economics, Economic Development, Business Administration or related field.
  • Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative economic research, particularly around trade, trade policy and their linkages in the energy sector.
  • Strong knowledge of Government of Sweden economy, institutional framework and Ugandan context is required.
  • Experience in working with the private sector is welcomed.
  • Ability to interpret results and provide practical recommendations.
  • Experience in conducting studies to assess the impact and opportunities of Aid for Trade and or economic policies on Energy and other social sectors.
  • Previous work experience with international organizations or donors, particularly around trade, is required.

Additional Information

Copyright and intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights of all reports, documents and publicity outputs, product designs, business know-how and confidential information generated pursuant to this consultancy implementation shall be the property of SNV, unless otherwise agreed in writing and signed by SNV.

Evaluation criteria

The criterion for evaluation is based on the technical understanding as well as a value for money offering of the Consultant


A. Technical

Understanding of the TOR: The consultant should demonstrate a clear understanding of the terms of reference

Maximum score - 20

Approach and Timelines: The consultant should evidence completeness and clarity of the suggested approach to the study as well as realistic timeframes to complete the assignment.

Maximum score - 20

Experience: Consultant should demonstrate experience and exposure to similar assignments.

Maximum score - 20

Knowledge, skills and expertise of the team proposed: The team should have the relevant expertise in the different aspects required of the assignment.

Maximum score - 20

B. Financial

Value for Money:  The consultant’s financial proposal should demonstrate value for money for the assignment

Maximum score - 20

Contract project fees and duration

The consultant/firm is expected to work for not more than 30 days. The numeration will be based on level of experience, skills and knowledge possessed.

Payment terms

Deliverable                                                                           % Payment

Approved Inception report                                                      30%

Reviewed draft report with recommendations                        40%

Approved final report and abridge version of report                30%

Submission requirements

The consultant (individual or firm) is requested to submit the following:

  1. Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) with references of previous relevant assignments
  2. Technical proposal with examples of previous similar assignments prepared undertaken.
  3. Financial proposal

How to apply

Interested individuals and eligible firms are requested to submit technical & financial proposals by email to: deadline is 5th March 2025 

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 05 March 2025
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 21-02-2025
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 21-02-2025
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-02-2068
Apply Now
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